The O’Fallon Dental Implant Dentist Answers Common Questions About This Exciting Treatment

Written by Dr. Brace on Jul 13, 2021

Your smile is one of your most valuable assets, and tooth loss can absolutely put a damper on how you feel about your smile, as well as how your smile functions. The good news is that our O’Fallon dentists offer treatments that can rebuild and restore your smile. The number one technology that works to achieve this goal is dental implant technology. Learn more about dental implants by reading our short outline below…

How is a dental implant different?

Many tooth replacement options, like dentures and bridges, are designed to sit on top of the patient’s gum tissue. Dental implants, on the other hand, are actually embedded in the patient’s jawbone and gum tissue, through a small titanium root.

How do these implant roots work?

There’s a key reason that these roots are made of titanium; titanium has the ability to bond with natural bone tissue, through a process called osseointegration. Not only does this implant root hold the restoration in place, it also works to support adjacent bone tissue and keep it healthy.

What happens once my implants are in place?

To put it simply, you just jump back into your normal life! With dental implants, you don’t need to alter your diet, your daily routine, or your activity schedule. You’ll find that implants are exceptionally easy to live with and to care for. Additionally, because implants are customized to blend with your natural smile, they’ll integrate seamlessly with your natural teeth.

When you come in for an assessment with our O’Fallon dental implant dentists, we’ll take a look at your oral health and give you a better idea of whether implants can help you meet your dental goals. The best way to get started is to contact our team by phone or through the Contact Us page on our site; we’re here for you!