Our O’Fallon Cosmetic Dentist Reviews 4 Aesthetic Issues Patients Improve With Cosmetic Dentistry

Written by Dr. Brace on Apr 23, 2024

Many years ago, it used to be that people largely had to live with the smiles they were born with. Now, however, cosmetic dentistry allows our patients to achieve their dream smiles with state-of-the-art treatment options. Today our O’Fallon cosmetic dentists are talking about 4 different aesthetic issues we correct with cosmetic treatments.

Crooked teeth

Misaligned teeth can pose both cosmetic and functional dental problems for the patient. Orthodontic treatment is used to straighten crooked and crowded smiles, as well as close gaps between teeth. Alternatively, treatments like dental bonding and veneers are applied over the natural tooth structure to refine the appearance of the patient’s smile.

Stained or discolored enamel

Teeth can start to look dark, dull, or discolored over time for a number of reasons. Environmental stains compound over time, thinning dental enamel tends to look dull and yellow, and when a tooth becomes damaged it can take on a brown or gray hue. The treatments we offer—from professional gel whitening to dental bonding to porcelain veneers—are designed to address the specific cause of your aesthetic issue. 

Narrow smiles

An important component of dental aesthetics is balance and proportion. If your smile does not fill the full width of your mouth when you smile, we can build it out with treatments like bonding or veneers, or actually shift your natural teeth into better alignment with orthodontics.

Short, worn-down teeth

Whether your enamel has been worn down over time, or your teeth are naturally small or short, we can lengthen the appearance of your teeth to help them look healthy and proportionate. Dental bonding with composite resin is one treatment option, and we could also use custom-crafted restorations to build out the natural tooth.

If you’re unhappy with the state of your smile, our O’Fallon cosmetic dentists are here to help. Just give our office a call to learn more and schedule a personal consultation!