Our O’Fallon Cosmetic Dentist Discusses 5 Aesthetic Problems Patients Fix With Dentistry

Written by Dr. Brace on Jul 5, 2022

Our O’Fallon cosmetic dentists are quite intentional about offering a range of aesthetic treatment options so that we can help a wide range of patients. Keep reading to get an overview of 5 common aesthetic complaints we can address quickly and effectively! 

Dental damage: one of the first things to address is any existing damage to teeth or gums. These issues are, obviously, not aesthetically ideal, and they can become more serious over time. It is imperative that we repair oral health problems before they become more serious.

Crooked teeth: a well-aligned smile is both attractive and easier to keep clean and healthy. You may choose to move your natural teeth into better alignment using orthodontic treatment, or you may use dental bonding or veneers to build out certain teeth and give your smile a more seamless appearance.

Dark or stained enamel: dark stains, enamel dullness, and discoloration can make your smile look older and less healthy than it truly is. Professional dental whitening treatment lifts stains from your natural smile. We can alternatively use composite bonding or porcelain veneers to cover unsightly teeth.

Narrow smiles: widening your dental alignment ensures that when you smile widely your teeth fill all of the space in your mouth. Again, this can be achieved through orthodontic treatment or strategic placement of dental restorations and bonding. You’ll want to consider the current state of your smile, your oral health goals, and your treatment timeline. 

Short, worn-down teeth: as time goes on, dental enamel will thin, become weaker, and wear down. Patients who suffer from bruxism (chronic dental grinding) will notice these negative effects even faster. The good news is that our team can repair and build-out diminished teeth using resin or porcelain restorations. Obviously, this improves your aesthetics, and it can also improve your smile’s biting and chewing functionality.

As you can see, no matter what your aesthetic concern, our O’Fallon cosmetic dentists are here to help you reach your dream smile. The best way to get started is to schedule a consultation with our team—give us a call, or use the Contact Us page on our site!