O’Fallon Dentist Reviews Treatments That Deliver Immediate Results

Written by Dr. Brace on Oct 18, 2022

We are all busy, and sometimes it can seem like there just aren’t enough hours in the day to get everything done. Our O’Fallon dentists have seen firsthand that, for many patients, regularly scheduled dental care is one of the first things to fall through the cracks.

We totally understand how and why this happens, but we are here to encourage you to keep up with your professional dental treatments! Here are just a few popular treatment options that don’t take much time at all!

Dental Bonding

The entire bonding process takes only on appointment to complete. Basically, our dental team applies custom-shaded composite resin to the tooth surface, and then cures it so that it hardens and becomes permanent. Bonding might be right for you if you want to correct dental damage, lengthen teeth, cover discoloration, and even improve dental alignment.

Teeth Whitening

Our dentists use especially potent and effective professional whitening formulations to minimize dental stains and discoloration. Many people see results after just one treatment, and dental whitening can lighten your smile by several shades. Patients love this option because it is totally non-invasive, affordable, and quick.

Dental Crowns

If you have a tooth that has been damaged by infection or trauma, you will likely need a dental crown to repair and rebuild your tooth. Our O’Fallon dental office creates customized, metal-free dental crowns that look and feel natural. Our team customizes these restorations, using your natural teeth as guides for dental shape and color. Once the crown is complete, we bond it in place, and you’re all set!

Don’t let uncertainty or anxiety keep you from getting the dental care that you need to love your smile, and to stay well. Once you get started, you will be amazed at how quickly your smile improves.

Scheduling a personal consultation is easy; just give our office a call or use the Contact Us page on our website.