O’Fallon Dental Implant Dentist Provides Overview Of Restorative Treatment Options

Written by Dr. Brace on Nov 7, 2023

If you are one of the many people dealing with dental trauma and missing teeth, our O’Fallon dentists want to strongly encourage you to seek treatment as soon as possible. Missing teeth are certainly an aesthetic issue, but, more importantly, they can kick of a ripple effect that damages your smile for years to come.

Treating tooth loss is a personal process—our team customizes every aspect of the process to meet our patients’ unique needs. Depending on your situation, we may recommend you move forward with:

  • A dental bridge: this tooth replacement option sits on top of the gum tissue, and is held in place with small brackets that connect to adjacent teeth. The replacement teeth in your bridge are shaped, sized, and shaded to blend with your existing teeth.
  • Dentures: this type of prosthetic is designed to replace a full complement of teeth. Traditionally, dentures have been designed to sit on top of a patient’s gum tissue; the base of the denture is molded to fit the unique shape of the gum tissue on which it sits.
  • Dental implants: innovations in tooth replacement technology allows our team to permanently replace missing teeth and anchor them in the patient’s jawbone. Implant restorations are held in place with small titanium roots or screws. Once inserted, the titanium of the implant root will bond with natural bone tissue. Dental implants stay in place permanently, and you care for them just as you’d care for normal teeth.

As always, our O’Fallon dental implant dentists are here to answer any questions that you may have. Give our office a call to schedule a consultation with our team, or submit a question for our dentist using the Contact Us page on our site. We look forward to helping you rebuild the whole and healthy smile you deserve!