Follow These Tips From Our O’Fallon Dentists To Beat Bad Breath

Written by Dr. Brace on Feb 9, 2021

Everyone deals with bad breath from time to time; it’s tough to avoid it after we enjoy particularly spicy or seasoned foods, for example. However, if you are finding bad breath has become a chronic problem in your life, then it is probably time to speak to your dental team about steps you can take to manage it, and, hopefully, beat it for good. Our O’Fallon dentists have some quick tips to help you do just that!

The first thing to keep in mind is that chronic bad breath, also known as halitosis, is often the result of bacterial build-up in the mouth. You see, oral bacteria actually release unpleasant odors when they feed on sugars, grow, and multiply. Thus, in order to defeat bad breath, you really need to focus your efforts on minimizing bacteria.


Water is absolutely the most beneficial drink you can sip on throughout the day. When you are adequately hydrated, your body is able to produce plenty of saliva, which works to re-mineralize your enamel. Keep a water bottle handy throughout the day so you get into the habit of hydrating.

Rinse Regularly

It can also be helpful to rinse your smile vigorously with water after you eat and drink anything other than water. This helps to dislodge bacteria and dental debris, and it also jump-starts saliva production. Take care not to brush your smile immediately if you have consumed something acidic, as this can wear away enamel.

Choose Sugar-Free Formulations

When you are looking for a quick fix to freshen your breath, make sure that you use sugar-free gum or mints. Formulations that contain sugar can actually compound the underlying issue because bacteria feed on sugars!

Our O’Fallon dentists are here to answer any questions that you may have and to give you some personalized recommendations for managing chronic bad breath. The best way to get started is to give our office a call to schedule a personal consultation.