Take Control of Gum Disease With The Support Of Our O’Fallon Gum Disease Dentists

Written by Dr. Brace on Sep 29, 2020

All of the component parts of your maxillofacial structure are connected—they affect one another. If even one portion of your smile is damaged your oral health as a whole can suffer. That is why it is so important to pay attention to the health of your gums, and to seek treatment if you notice unwanted symptoms. Keep reading to learn more from our O’Fallon gum disease dentists.

How it starts…

Gum disease develops when harmful oral bacteria infiltrate your oral tissues. This infection can start off in your gums, or it can spread to your oral tissues from infected teeth. 

What you can do about it…

If you are dealing with gum disease our O’Fallon dentists may recommend a number of different treatment options. The type of treatment you require will be based on the severity of the gum infection you have as well as the current state of your oral health overall. Here are a few treatments and therapies that can help you…

  • Flossing every day
  • Frequent professional dental cleanings to clear away plaque and tartar
  • Upgrading your at-home oral hygiene tools, toothpastes, or mouth rinses to specifically address gum disease
  • Removal of diseased tissue to boost your immune system’s bacteria-fighting ability
  • Restorative gum grafts that replace and build up diminished tissue

An infection that begins your gums can quickly spread to your teeth, connective tissues, and even your jawbone. Timely and effective treatment can make all the difference in these situations. 

Don’t let periodontal disease fester and intensify—take control of your smile and your oral health! As always, our O’Fallon dentists are here to answer your questions and provide you with all of the information that you need about preventive and restorative treatments. You can always call our office to schedule a consultation; you can also use the Contact Us page on our site to reach our team.