O’Fallon Cosmetic Dentist Reviews Common Causes Of Dental Staining And Discoloration

Written by Dr. Brace on Aug 8, 2023

Over time your smile can change in a number of different ways—some more visible than others. One of the earliest changes that people notice when they look in the mirror is that their teeth look dark or stained. Our O’Fallon cosmetic dentists are here to give you some more information about why your smile may start to look yellow and dull over time. We hope that this information will help you better protect your smile.

Many people know that certain foods and drinks can lead to dental staining. Very pigmented consumables can leave color deposits on a patient’s smile, and make teeth look darker and older than they truly are. Some popular foods and drinks that contribute to staining include soft drinks, tea, coffee, red wine, berries, and red sauces. Obviously, the more that you minimize your consumption of staining substances, the better you’re able to protect your smile from discoloration. You can also get into the habit of rinsing your smile with water after eating.

Some types of dental discoloration are due to dental damage. If you suffer a dental injury, and the foundation of your tooth is damaged, you may notice that it starts to look dark, brown, or gray. This type of discoloration suggests that you may require restorative care; you won’t be able to improve the tooth’s appearance with topical teeth whitening treatment, for example.

Another type of discoloration compounds over time, and is the result of dental enamel slowly thinning. Dental enamel, the white outermost layer of the tooth, covers darker inner layers, like the dentin. As enamel gets thinner dentin starts to show through to the surface of the patient’s smile, and makes the patient’s teeth look dull and yellow.

If you start to notice that your smile looks yellow or stained, our O’Fallon dentists can help you brighten and lighten your teeth. Give us a call to schedule your consultation and learn more!




Take Your At-Home Oral Hygiene Routine To The Next Level With Tips From Our O’Fallon Dentist


Let’s say that you’re already brushing your teeth and flossing your smile as recommended by the American Dental Association—that’s great! Now what?

The truth is that there are a number of simple things that you can do in order to optimize your daily at-home oral hygiene routine. Our O’Fallon cosmetic dentists are here with some suggestions that can help you take your oral hygiene routine to the next level. Let’s get started!


The first thing to is to take a moment to assess the dental tools you’re using. Does your toothbrush have the right kind of bristles? Medium and hard bristled toothbrushes are actually too abrasive for many patients. Does your floss fit between all of your teeth? You don’t want to use a floss that is too thick for your dental alignment, as this will actually decrease its usefulness. If you aren’t sure whether you’re using the right tools, talk to your dental team!


The next thing is to make sure that you’re completing your oral hygiene steps in an order that makes sense. In general, it makes the most sense to floss your smile first, in order to dislodge any dental debris or plaque. Then, brush your teeth to buff away oral bacteria. The final step of your at-home oral hygiene routine can be mouth wash—this helps to rinse away any bits of plaque and debris that may be hanging on, and to rinse your oral tissues.


Finally, consider adding some simple “smile refreshers” into your middle of the day routine. Vigorously rinse your smile with water after lunch or eating a snack, for example. This quick habit dislodges food particles from your smile and prompts your body to release saliva (which naturally helps to neutralize bacteria and re-mineralize teeth).


Want to learn more about how to care for your smile day to day? Our O’Fallon dentists are here to help—give us a call!