O’Fallon LUMINEERS Dentist Office Helps Patients Avoid Orthodontic Treatment With LUMINEERS

Written by Dr. Brace on Apr 2, 2014

Is your smile in need of a little refinement and rejuvenation? If so, our O’Fallon cosmetic dentist office is here to help you achieve the stunning smile that you have been dreaming of. We offer a wide variety of cosmetic dentistry treatments to suit your individual needs. Today we will be discussing one of these treatments—dental LUMINEER treatment. Specifically, we are going to talk about how our dental team uses LUMINEERS to achieve orthodontic-like results.

As you probably already know, traditional orthodontic treatments, like braces, straighten patients’ natural teeth with brackets and wires. The goal of these treatments is to give the patient a straight and smooth smile.

Some patients, however, do not want to deal with time commitment and inconveniences associated with braces. These patients want to perfect their smiles in a faster, more comfortable way. That’s where cosmetic LUMINEERS come into play!

With LUMINEERS, our dental team is able to make your smile look straighter and more perfected, using porcelain restorations. This entire treatment process takes just a fraction of the time that traditional orthodontic treatment takes.

Because LUMINEERS are created to be customized for each individual patient, your LUMINEERS will be crafted to deliver the cosmetic results you want. If, for example, you want to make your smile look better aligned, your LUMINEERS will be made in specific thicknesses. Thus, when they sit flush against your natural teeth, the front of your smile will appear smooth and straight. Likewise, patients with gaps between their natural teeth will benefit from LUMINEERS that are slightly wider than their natural dental enamel.

When you come in for you consultation with our O’Fallon LUMINEER dentist, we will be able to give you a better idea of how dental LUMINEERS can improve your specific smile. Give our office a call to speak to our dental team today.