Get The Facts On Personalized Restorations With Our O’Fallon Dentists

Written by Dr. Brace on Jul 10, 2018

Restorative dentistry will allow you to improve your smile and regain optimal oral health. In our O’Fallon dental office, we customize crowns and restorations to meet our patients’ needs. Keep reading to learn more!

It all begins with a thorough dental assessment. We’ll take a look at your smile, to determine how and why your tooth became damaged in the first place. Once we’ve pinpointed the underlying cause of your oral health problems, we can help you craft a treatment plan that meets your needs, exactly.

If you can benefit from a dental crown or restoration, our dentist will look to your natural teeth for general guidelines on how it should be designed. We take into account:

The shape of your crown: depending on whether your existing teeth or more angular or rounded, we will craft your restoration accordingly. If you take a look at your smile in the mirror, you’ll probably start to get a good idea of your tooth shape.

It’s also crucial that your crown is appropriately sized for your overall smile. A poorly sized restoration can throw off the balance of your entire smile. Over time, this issue can lead to premature dental damage as well as TMJ dysfunction.

Then, considering aesthetics, we’ll shade your crown so that it blends with your existing teeth. Keep in mind that if you want to lighten your natural teeth as well, it’s best to do this before having your crown placed. This allows our team to match your restoration to your newly whitened enamel. Porcelain restorations cannot be whitened with topical whitening treatments.

As you can see, there are many considerations to keep in mind when undergoing restorative dental treatment. As always, our O’Fallon dentists are here to answer any questions that you may have, and to help you schedule your personal consultation. Give us a call to get started!