O’Fallon Helps You Understand How TMJ Issues Can Actually Lead To Dental Damage

Written by Dr. Brace on Jul 11, 2016

O’Fallon Helps You Understand How TMJ Issues Can Actually Lead To Dental Damage

When dental patients think about threats to their teeth, they often think about cavities and gum disease. While these issues can definitely harm your smile, there are other, structural, problems that can be just as damaging. For example, if you are suffering from problems with your temporomandibular joints, you could develop dental problems as a result.

Today our O’Fallon dentists are explaining how TMJ disorder leads to dental problems. We hope that after reading this short article, you feel comfortable reaching out to your dental team if you are dealing with TMJ problems.

Your temporomandibular joints connect your lower jaw to your skull on both sides of your face. When these joints are healthy, you are able to chew, speak, and emote comfortably. However, when these joints are damaged or swollen, you may experience:

· Limited jaw mobility—this makes it difficult for patients to take big bites of foods and comfortably chew

· Popping and clicking noises when you move your jaw

· Jaw pain and stiffness

· Head and neck pain—you may even experience ear pain

· Dental grinding and clenching

Obviously, limited jaw mobility can make it difficult for you to go about your daily routine; it can also prevent you from effectively cleaning your smile. When you are unable to open your mouth all of the way it is hard to brush and floss your back teeth. This is why TMJ patients often develop cavities and gum disease around their molars.

You might also notice that your dental alignment begins to change, and that your enamel starts to wear down over time. Because TMJ often occurs with bruxism (dental grinding), this condition can change the structure of your smile. As your teeth grind together, your jaw and your teeth are put under immense pressure.

Our O’Fallon dental team is here to help you avoid this kind of dental damage, and correct any existing dental problems from which you may be suffering. Please feel free to call our office to learn more or to schedule your personal consultation.