O’Fallon Comprehensive Dentist Talks About How We Treat Existing Dental Damage

Written by Dr. Brace on May 20, 2016

O’Fallon Comprehensive Dentist Talks About How We Treat Existing Dental Damage

Whether due to an infection or an accident, dental damage can pop up seemingly overnight. The good news is that our O’Fallon dentist provides the treatments that you need in order to address dental damage and reclaim a healthy and whole smile again. Today we are giving you more information about the various treatments that we use to help patients achieve oral health.

Let’s get started!

Dental bonding: this treatment is used to fix all kinds of aesthetic and structural dental problems. For example, we can use dental bonding (which involves our dentist applying dental resin over you natural enamel) to make your smile look whiter, straighter, more seamless, and undamaged.

Dental crowns: these restorations are used to repair and rebuild enamel after a tooth has suffered a fracture or a dental cavity. Our dental team uses tooth-colored crowns, so that your tooth still looks natural post-treatment.

Veneers and LUMINEERS: both veneers and LUMINEERS are thin porcelain restorations that are permanently attached over the visible portions of a patient’s tooth. This treatment usually takes only two or three dental appointments to complete, and the results are customized to the patient and exceptionally natural.

Dental implants: if you are dealing with tooth loss, our dental team can replace your teeth with stand-alone dental implants. Because every dental implant has a titanium root, which embeds the restoration in the patient’s jaw tissue, dental implants stay in place permanently, and closely mimic natural teeth. Our office also uses dental implant roots to stabilize and ground dentures. Implant-stabilized dentures stay in place permanently, and you don’t have to worry about them slipping around in your mouth.

If you are struggling with dental damage or missing teeth, don’t despair! As you can see, there are numerous dental treatments that can help your smile get back on track. Give our O’Fallon dentists a call to schedule a consultation!