O’Fallon Sedation Dentist Responds to Questions from Patients About Oral Conscious Sedation

Written by Dr. Brace on May 20, 2013

Patients who experience dental fear and anxiety may go to great lengths to avoid even essential dental care. Our O’Fallon dentists understand this, which is why we offer sedation and relaxation dentistry service in our office. It is our goal to make sure that every patient, regardless of dental history or poor past experiences, is able to achieve the smile that they deserve.

Oral conscious sedation is one sedation option that is revolutionizing the patient experience in dentistry. Read on to learn more from our dentist!

Q: How does oral conscious sedation work?

A: Oral conscious sedation is administered to the patient through a pill taken orally. If you choose oral conscious sedation, you’ll actually take this pill before you even come in to the dentist’s office. The pill works to make patients feel calm, relaxed, and comfortable. So, by the time you get to your dentist’s office, you’ll already be worry-free! The effects will last until you get home, so you will need someone to drive you home from your appointment.

Q: Is oral conscious sedation safe?

A: Yes! Oral conscious sedation is very safe, and it has been used without incident on thousands of patients. As the name suggests, you will actually be conscious the entire time that you’re sedated—you’ll always be able to respond to our dental team, although you won’t remember much of this after the sedation wears off.

Q: Should I ask my dentist about oral conscious sedation?

A: Absolutely! If you suffer from dental phobia, or if you’re undergoing a lengthy or multi-phased dental treatment, oral conscious sedation may be able to help you. Ask your dentist for more information—he or she will be able to help you determine whether conscious sedation is right for you!

If you have more questions about oral conscious sedation right now you can always call our O’Fallon sedation dentists! We look forward to talking with you!