O’Fallon Sedation Dentist Explains The Basics Of Oral Conscious Sedation

Written by Dr. Brace on Feb 19, 2015

O’Fallon Sedation Dentist Explains The Basics Of Oral Conscious Sedation

Oral conscious sedation is helping anxious dental patients relax in the dentist’s chair. This treatment is very effective, and it is simple for the patient to undergo. Today our O’Fallon sedation dentists are going to be walking you through the oral conscious sedation process. We hope that this article will help you feel comfortable with the sedation protocol.

1. The first thing that you will do is meet with our dental team. We will review your current health status, as well as your health history. We will also talk about any past experiences you have had with sedation treatment. All of these things are necessary so that we can make sure that oral conscious sedation is appropriate for you.

2. If oral conscious sedation is right for you, our dentist will prescribe you a small sedative pill.

3. About an hour before your dental treatment begins, you will take this small pill. Keep in mind that after you take the sedative you will need someone to drive you to our office.

4. By the time that you come into our office you will already be calm and relaxed. You might even find that you are feeling a little giggly! Our dental team will get you all settled in, and then we will begin treatment.

5. When you are all done with treatment, you will need somebody to come and take you home. The effects of sedation will not wear off until you are headed back home.

6. When the sedative does fully wear off, you probably won’t remember any of the treatment process. This is because the sedative that we use is formulated to have an amnesic effect.

Oral conscious sedation truly is this simple! If you want to learn more about relaxation options in our O’Fallon sedation dentist office, please feel free to give us a call.