Here Is A Short Overview Of The Tooth Replacement Options Offered By Our O’Fallon Dentists

Written by Dr. Brace on Aug 2, 2016

Because tooth loss affects many aspects of your life—your daily routine, your appearance, your oral health—choosing a tooth replacement option is a very important and personal process. Our O’Fallon restorative dentists are here to provide you with all of the information that you need in order to make the right decision for your smile, specifically.

Today we are going through a quick overview of four of the most popular tooth replacement treatments offered in our office. Let’s get started!

The first option we’re talking about is the traditional denture. A denture is a dental prosthetic that replaces multiple consecutive teeth. In our office we customize dentures to look and feel natural for the wearer; these are not one-size-fit all prosthetics!

If you are looking for a more permanent tooth replacement treatment, you may be interested in dental implants. Dental implants are stand-alone replacement teeth—each one has a titanium root that extends into the jawbone, as well as a natural-looking restoration. Once the dental implant is inserted, it stays in place 24/7 and is not removable.

There is actually a variant of the conventional that is slightly smaller—this is called a mini dental implant. Mini dental implant roots are much thinner than conventional implant roots, which means that they can fit into smaller spaces, and they do not require as much post-treatment recovery time as standard implants do.

In many ways, implant-stabilized dentures combine the respective benefits of dentures and dental implants. This treatment involves our dentist anchoring a full denture in your mouth with just a few dental implant roots. This option is sometimes called “all-on-four” treatment because we can usually anchor a full denture (or all of your replacement teeth) on just four implant roots.

As you can see, there are a number of different restorative treatments available to help you reclaim your smile after tooth loss. As always, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our O’Fallon dentists if you need additional information!